Tag Archives: PEZ

Star Wars PEZ Menorah with Candy Flame

PEZ candles, PEZ flames

PEZ candles, PEZ flames

PEZ Hanukkah menorahs have been a thing for awhile, which means I wasn’t interested in making one, but when my Mom came for a visit bearing a Star Wars Limited Edition PEZ Collector’s Set With 9 Star Wars PEZ Dispensers, what else could I do? Continue reading

Passover PEZuzah (PEZ + Mezuzah)


Just in time for the plague of frogs, another PEZuzah.  My husband came home bearing a Kermit the Frog PEZ dispenser, and it begged to be converted into a holiday mezuzah case.  Pull Kermit’s keppie to reveal a cavity perfectly sized for a real scroll.  This little trick makes it far more convenient to inspect the klaf twice every seven years, as per tradition.  A PEZ mezuzah is not per tradition, but it works. Continue reading

PEZ dispenser + mezuzah = PEZ-uzah


PEZ-uzah: Hello Kitty meets the Shema

MyJewishLearning.com just published my article on making a mezuzah case from a PEZ dispenser. Rather than a how-to, it’s more of a why and why not?

Here’s the link:
How to Make a Mezuzah with Kitsch and Class.
Do leave a comment there, please. 

My mezuzah mashup was an excuse to bring in Freud, the Shulchan Aruch, the Talmud, the Second Commandment, and Winnie the Pooh, all in the service of justifying—”making a case for”—a PEZ-uzah.

Is it kosher?

Turns out, not many folks give a flip if my mezuzah case is “kosher”, but even just pondering the question can be ever so fun and informative.

The PEZ-uzah is the latest in what appears to a series-in-the-making of kid-friendly mezuzah projects, which includes the Glue Stick Mezuzah,
the Matchbox Mezuzah,
and the Lego Mezuzah.
More to come.

Oh, and Amy Melzter, author of Mezuzah on the Door, just told me PJ Library was adapting my Matchbox Mezuzah craft for the book’s new program guide. Neato.