Tag Archives: plagues

Blood Buddy: the drop o’ blood sleep lovey

“I love you, Blood Buddy,” came a sweet croon from the back of the car, “I looooove blood!”

Way to perpetuate a stereotype, kid.

And at Passover, too.  As my friend Joanna P. would say, “and that is how you make a blood libel joke, Sarah Palin.”  Although, maybe she wouldn’t.  Joanna P. is right this moment trying to remove an entire jar of Mod Podge from her carpet, so I can’t know for sure.

All I do know for sure is that blood and Jews and Passover are a tricky trinity, and that my Jewish child is in a booster seat singing love songs to a plush blood drop clutched to his cheek. Continue reading

Toys for the 10th Plague: from cuddly to creepy

if you think a LEGO coffin is creepy, stop reading now.

DIY death toys….

I already wrote about how to assemble a collection of plague toys for the seder, and how to refashion a matzah box to house them. Each guest can use a box during the Maggid section of the haggadah.

I’m rather fond of plague toys and their power to make the Exodus story more hands-on, real and memorable. Continue reading

DIY Passover Plagues Box: the box

Plagues toy assembly line. The kids sort and fill each Box O’ Plague before each seder.

In DIY Passover Plagues Box, I gave reasons and instructions for a kid-created seder activity: a box of plagues toys. You can keep the toys in a bin and pull them out every year, adding to and tweaking the selection as your kids grow. Preferably, they do the adding and tweaking with you.

Our favorite way to store and use the toys is in a home-made Box o’ Plagues, created from an empty matzah box. Continue reading

DIY Passover Plagues Toys

assemble your own kit

DIY plague toys

DIY Passover Plagues Box and Dramatic Re-enaction

Everything about the seder is designed to teach kids. Symbolic foods, the four questions, songs, Rabbinic lessons and the many discrepancies therein: eating yet more matzah for dessert (afikomen), leaning on pillows at the table, all that dipping? But usually, seders are so long and boring not much learning goes on, except learning that seders are long and boring.

Re-enacting the plagues can make seders more educational and fun. We are commanded to think of ourselves as slaves in Egypt: toys, props and simple costumes facilitate this leap of the imagination. Continue reading

After Passover: Balabusta busted

Plague. How many frogs does one girl need?

Plague. How many frogs does one girl need?

I never actually claimed to be a balabusta. I said it was a title to which I aspired. So I can admit the following:
Until yesterday, all the Passover stuff was STILL OUT. We’ve been stepping over frogs and matzah trays and Miriam cups and place cards every day for weeks. I did put the Passover dishes away on time, but the decorations Continue reading