Tag Archives: game

Hands-on Menorah Quiz (for School, Carnival)


Gelt just for playing, Prize Draw for big winner later

The word “quiz” is instant Carnival buzzkill, right?  Hardly the sort of catchy title to entice kids to a Chanukah Carnival station.  But really, it is a quiz, my activity, not a game.  And if it’s facilitated in the right spirit, it will be fun.  And educational.  And memorable.  I promise. Continue reading

Giveaway: Passover Seder Matching Game

mgpas front of box
A giveaway.   Continue reading

Purim game: Hit the Hamantasch

Filling guide (for vocab and bean bag selection)

Filling guide (for vocab and bean bag selection)

Every Purim carnival or party needs at least one station that lets kids haul back and throw something. “Fill the Hamantasch” is a more accurate title, but I do like the alliteration of the H with “Hit.”

I made this for a Purim tot program a few years ago.  A giant hamantasch is the target, the middle of which is lined with velcro strips: the “hook” side.  The projectiles are blobby felt bean bags in colors that represent traditional hamantaschen filling: black for mohn (poppyseed), brown for lekvar (prune butter, YUM), red for cherry, orange for apricot.  The felt bean bag surface will stick to the  prickly velcro, no prob.

The giant hamantasch, lined with velcro (hooky side)

The giant hamantasch, lined with velcro (hooky side)

I had to mount my fake hamantasch onto corrugated board (S-core board) and then tie that onto an old Little Tikes easel. No way could I mount it on the wall and Continue reading

Rosh Hashanah Craft: the Pantyhose Challah

pantyhose challah / real honey

pantyhose challah / real honey


Not much could prompt me to create anything, much less photograph and post it, after a rainy, three-day weekend at home with an “energetic” 4 year-old and a migraine, but Homeshuling‘s post just did.

In her Craft Projects for Rosh Hashana roundup, she generously mentions two of mine: the edible honey bowl and the blessings placemat. Then, she issues a challenge. Could someone please create and send a pic of a round stuffed challah made from pantyhose, Continue reading