Instant Edible Sukkah: step by step photos


Apparently, I have more to say about the Edible Sukkah. The big thing is that most folks skip the first and crucial step: to “glue” (with frosting, Nutella, whatever) a floor cracker to the plate. This anchors the whole structure, it gives the walls something to stick to, and it significantly reduces the frustration factor for little kids.  Building a sukkah should be a treat, not a trial.

Below are step-by-step photos of a typical graham-cracker sukkah. For exhaustive dithering about materials, techniques, kashrut, and whatnot, see my earlier posts:

Instant Edible Sukkah: Easy Tips for the Disorganized or Spontaneous

Make a Kosher Edible Sukkah for the Obsessively Organized (good for group activities in a kosher facility/home and on the actual holiday)


The floor

Stick cracker to the plate with a blob of edible glue

Stick cracker to the plate with a blob of edible glue

“Glue” walls to edges of floor and each other

use a pretzel stick as frosting knife, by the way...

use a pretzel stick as frosting knife, by the way…

Add pretzel stick roof.

Add pretzel stick roof. “Glue” Trix cereal “fruit” on the bottom of sticks.

Add parsley

Add parsley “schach.”

knock yourself out with a Twizzler pull 'n' peel basket filled with kosher fruit-shaped candies

knock yourself out with a Twizzler pull ‘n’ peel basket filled with kosher fruit-shaped candies

2 responses to “Instant Edible Sukkah: step by step photos

  1. If I didn’t live on the other side of the planet, I’d be dropping really big hints about how much I want to get invited to your place for Sukkot. 😉

  2. Pingback: Good Enough to Eat (In!)