Manischewitz Tiki Torch Menorah

Manischewitz tiki torch menorah 2

Manischewitz Tiki Torch oil Menorah

A new lamp for the concord of our souls at the festival of lights: the Manischewitz Tiki Torch Menorah.

Happy Hanukkah, friends.

Manischewitz Menorah 1

Manischewitz Tiki Torch oil Menorah

After inventing the Manischewitz Tiki Torch for Sukkot last year, I knew I had to make a times-nine version for Hanukkah.

By Thanksgiving, my support staff had swilled the last of the nine needed bottles, just in time for me to poke holes in the lids and braid more wick from a still generous supply of bris gauze.

The base is a 2×4 spray-painted gold (to match Manischewitz gold accents) with random wood bits as feet. Everything has been upcycled, repurposed.

The fuel is olive oil—as per the Hanukkah miracle—and just enough for one night, each night. It floats atop water tinted concord grape to mimic the mighty Manischewitz.

Do read the original Tiki Torch post. It isn’t a DIY, it’s a story.

Manischewitz Tiki Torch oil Menorah

Manischewitz Tiki Torch olive oil Menorah

Meanwhile, chag urim sameach, y’all.
Have a happy, light-filled holiday.

Bible Belt Balabusta

The original Manischewitz Tiki Torch

2 responses to “Manischewitz Tiki Torch Menorah

  1. Beautiful and clever as always!!
    Happy Hanukkah!!