Jewish Tangrams: Yom Kippur (printable Jonah and Whale)

This can be Jonah getting swallowed OR spewed

This can be Jonah getting swallowed OR spewed

I made more Jewish tangrams—this time for Yom Kippur.  You supply the story of Jonah and the Whale, and kids can mess around with tangrams to represent the Dag Gadol (big fish), Jonah’s boat, and Jonah.  Do them in order and you’ve got the whole story.
Narrative play!
I dare you to make the withered vine, too.

These patterns will get you started: puzzles and solutions.  For the first set—the simple Jonah and Dag Gadol sheet—just fold the paper to cover the solution while kids work on the outline.

For the whole story set, I made the puzzle outline and solution on two different sheets.  Start with the outlines if it will decrease frustration and increase the fun factor.  I’m totally fine starting kids (and adults) with the solutions.  To arrange solid shapes to match printed puzzles is tricky in itself.

the whole megillah (sort of)

Jonah and the Whale

Click on the image to see the PDF version which should print fine.

See my Jewish Tangrams Rosh Hashanah page here,
and my big Into to Jewish Tangrams here (with tips on how to print and make your own pieces, etc.).



and the solutions

and the solutions



This can be Jonah getting swallowed OR spewed

This can be Jonah getting swallowed OR spewed

5 responses to “Jewish Tangrams: Yom Kippur (printable Jonah and Whale)

  1. Dr. Ryda D. Rose, Professor Emerita/EDUCATION ... U. of PA.


  2. This is really neat, although I am not Jewish I think this is something I could use for teaching the story of Jonah for my children or in our church. Thank you for sharing this! 🙂

  3. Marcie Levine Jacobs

    I just felt compelled to leave a comment because I adore this site and am so grateful for all of your wonderful creative Jewish ideas and because Dr. Ryda Rose was one of my Penn Professors and great inspirations as I got my Masters in teaching…what a joy to see her name after 20 years appear here of all places!!!!! A great New Years treat!! Thank you for everything! Shana Tovah to all!