Edible Ten Commandments, update

Folks are asking about the chocolate Ten Commandment tablets from my Lag BaOmer post.  So easy, I promise.  And won’t they look splendid atop Mt. Sinai muffins?

ersatz chocolate

chocolate-esque candy bark

don't eat these

don’t eat these


I made plaster versions, too, for some of my little Israelites on our Lag baOmer Walk.  They had to “receive” the Ten Commandments at the mountain, right?  But I warn you, if you hand out freshly cast plaster tablets, even with the announcement, “these are plaster,” the kids will try to eat them.  Some kids didn’t know from plaster.  I came home from class relating my amazement, but my husband assured me he that too would have taken a large bite.  Not everyone grows up in an artsy-crafty house, it seems.  Next time, I’ll mix and fill the molds with the students.  It’s worth an entire class period to introduce the world of plaster, casts, molds and whatnot.  I have a whole stack of cheap plastic Jewy molds at hand, including a full-size seder plate.

But back to the Tablets. I bought my mold at Amazon for about 3 bucks.  Each sheet has 8 molds: 4 Tablets and 4 dressed Sefer Torah scrolls.  I bought two sheets so that I could generate 8 Tablets at a time.  

How to:  Melt “chocolate bark” (which is neither chocolate nor bark) in a glass mixing cup in the microwave.  At this point, kids can help.  Spoon the soft chocolate into the cavities, gently tap the mold down onto the table to release any bubbles, and then slide the molds into the freezer, levelled on a cookie sheet. In about 5 minutes, they’re solid.  Turn them over and pop them out.  Kids just need to be shown where to hold the mold while popping: about an inch over the table, or else the choccies will fall and break on the floor, the chair, etc.
You can use Wilton’s Candy Melts, too, which are O-U kosher and come in colors.  Or, if making these for discerning palates, go the whole hog and melt some real chocolate.

Do see my earlier post about instant edible versions of the Ten Commandments, such as marshmallows, and including my fave, which is nearly instant: Jordan almonds with the first 10 Hebrew letters written in food-safe marker.  Here’s one of the pics below, but the details are at the post.

edible Ten Commandment Tablets for cupcake toppers

edible Ten Commandment Tablets for cupcake toppers

2 responses to “Edible Ten Commandments, update

  1. Pingback: Passover to Shavuot diorama | Bible Belt Balabusta

  2. Pingback: Lag BaOmer activity: the Omer Walk | Bible Belt Balabusta